Menopause and Hair Loss – How they are Linked
One of the most common symptoms witnessed during menopause is female hair loss. Menopause by itself is a difficult stage to accept but hair falling out aggravates the situation. Causes of hair loss in women during menopause are basically due to the unexpected effects of the hormonal changes in the body.
Menopause and Hair Loss- The hormone oestrogen and testosterone have an impacting influence in promoting hair growth. During menopause, hair growth promoting hormone, oestrogen’s level decreases and the testosterone level increases disproportionately in the body. This is what causes hair loss and even the appearance of facial hairs in females.
Besides this, other factors also cause hair loss. Undue stress, depression and medication taken during this phase also contribute to it. A nutritionally deficient diet can further aggravate the situation.
Some ways of controlling is to use best hair loss shampoo, do plenty of exercise and de-stressing activities and try to remain as relaxed and calm as possible. Regular scalp massages with good oil, well proportioned diet and consultation with the doctor also helps. An instant remedy for hair loss to help you feel yourself would be the usage of hair fibers and concealers of a quality brand like Finally Hair.
Finally Hair is a quick fix for this situation. The way it works is you take a bottle of Finally Hair and dispense the fibers on to the thinning area filling in the problem spots. Now this may only be a temporary fix but it is also a great relief instead of having to wear a hat or some other sort of head wear so it’s not seen. Instead the product fill’s in the thinning area and poof the stress is gone and the appearance of your hair is back, your hair looks full and you have the same beautiful image you had before. You’ll feel like a million bucks and won’t be breaking the bank. With Finally Hair you finally win!
Their is always something that can improve a product. Well when it comes to hair fibers the prep solution is the icing on the cake. It gives the fibers an extra boost almost. Making them stand up more and you will definitely see the improvement when using the solution. Apply a light mist of the prep solution to dry hair, wait about a minute or two for it to dry and work it’s magic then apply your hair fibers. You’ll see the difference and be satisfied with the results.

It’s fiber time! Now after you’ve used the prep solution and let it dry the fibers will be more then happy to join the prep solution so they can work together as a team to thicken and fill in the uncovered thinning area, creating a work of art on your head. All you’ve got to do now is fill in the areas to your liking with the Finally Hair fibers. You’ll be pristine in a jiff!

Now just like any great master piece theirs a finish. For this one it’s the fiber locking hair spray. The substance you’re about to apply to your hair and fibers comes in two different strengths, super strong and medium. This is what will hold the fibers in place until you decide you want to wash them out. You can actually even sleep with the fibers on, noting that they won’t look as great when waking up because of the common bed head they’ll still be on.