Tag Archives: female hair loss

Hair Loss in Women and How to Treat Baldness

Even though both genders have a chance of losing hair and balding, hair loss in women can tend to go more unmentioned. Hair loss in men is more known for being noticeable. However, it shouldn’t go unrecognized that women can suffer from bald spots and their hair falling out as well.

Hair Loss In Women

Despite the word “baldness” commonly being associated with the image of a bald man, women can experience balding too. This can lower a woman’s attitude about herself and toward her physical features just as much as losing hair can affect a man’s self-esteem. While some women may be more affected with hair loss than other women, there are several reasons that explain the cause of hair loss in women.

female hair loss before after

Why Women Lose Hair

One of the most popular reasons for women to lose their hair is because they are dealing with hormonal changes. Women can experience hair loss at points during menopause, after giving birth to their child, or when first going on certain birth control pills.

For other women, the cause of hair loss may be due to conditions such as thyroid diseases. Issues like this can have major symptoms that include hair loss and hair thinning.

There are even certain medications that women may be taking, which can result in hair loss as a side effect.

What to Do When Suffering from Hair Loss

A great idea for both men and women alike who are struggling with hair loss is for them to cover up bald spots with hair fibers. This is one of the best methods for treating hair loss because there’s no harm involved. In fact, Finally Hair Fibers is composed of natural materials and free of any hazardous toxins.

Menopause and Hair Loss – How they are Linked – Hair Fibers Can Help

Menopause and Hair Loss – How they are Linked

One of the most common symptoms witnessed during menopause is female hair loss. Menopause by itself is a difficult stage to accept but hair falling out aggravates the situation. Causes of hair loss in women during menopause are basically due to the unexpected effects of the hormonal changes in the body.

Menopause and Hair Loss- The hormone oestrogen and testosterone have an impacting influence in promoting hair growth. During menopause, hair growth promoting hormone, oestrogen’s level decreases and the testosterone level increases disproportionately in the body. This is what causes hair loss and even the appearance of facial hairs in females.

Besides this, other factors also cause hair loss. Undue stress, depression and medication taken during this phase also contribute to it. A nutritionally deficient diet can further aggravate the situation.

Some ways of controlling is to use best hair loss shampoo, do plenty of exercise and de-stressing activities and try to remain as relaxed and calm as possible. Regular scalp massages with good oil, well proportioned diet and consultation with the doctor also helps. An instant remedy for hair loss to help you feel yourself would be the usage of hair fibers and concealers of a quality brand like Finally Hair.

Finally Hair is a quick fix for this situation. The way it works is you take a bottle of Finally Hair and dispense the fibers on to the thinning area filling in the problem spots. Now this may only be a temporary fix but it is also a great relief instead of having to wear a hat or some other sort of head wear so it’s not seen. Instead the product fill’s in the thinning area and poof the stress is gone and the appearance of your hair is back, your hair looks full and you have the same beautiful image you had before. You’ll feel like a million bucks and won’t be breaking the bank. With Finally Hair you finally win!

Their is always something that can improve a product. Well when it comes to hair fibers the prep solution is the icing on the cake. It gives the fibers an extra boost almost. Making them stand up more and you will definitely see the improvement when using the solution. Apply a light mist of the prep solution to dry hair, wait about a minute or two for it to dry and work it’s magic then apply your hair fibers. You’ll see the difference and be satisfied with the results.

hair fibers prep solution

It’s fiber time! Now after you’ve used the prep solution and let it dry the fibers will be more then happy to join the prep solution so they can work together as a team to thicken and fill in the uncovered thinning area, creating a work of art on your head. All you’ve got to do now is fill in the areas to your liking with the Finally Hair fibers. You’ll be pristine in a jiff!

hair loss treatmenthair loss in women

Now just like any great master piece theirs a finish. For this one it’s the fiber locking hair spray. The substance you’re about to apply to your hair and fibers comes in two different strengths, super strong and medium. This is what will hold the fibers in place until you decide you want to wash them out. You can actually even sleep with the fibers on, noting that they won’t look as great when waking up because of the common bed head they’ll still be on.

fiber hair spray

Treating Female Pattern Hair Loss

Treating Female Pattern Hair Loss

Female Pattern hair loss is a hereditary disease induced by age, hormonal imbalance, severe disease or side-effects of medicines. This female hair loss is of permanent type and thus its treatment predominantly focuses on how to stop hair loss. To treat the disease dermatologist may resort to one or more female hair loss treatment plans to get optimal results. Some of the most common treatment options are:-

  • Minoxidil is the non-prescription treatment for the disease that has been approved by the FDA. It was predominantly used as hair loss solutions for men but now can be used for females as well. It takes one year minimum to verify the success or failure of this method. Pregnant women or those breast feeding should not take this treatment.
  • Spironolactone is a diuretic medicine used on women who failed to respond to Minoxidil. This medicine also takes 6 months to one year to give verifiable results.
  • Hair transplant is a permanent solution for those who qualified candidates who have realistic expectations.
  • Psychological counseling is definitely recommended to come to terms with the situation and live with the hair loss.

Understanding and Diagnosing Female Pattern Hair Loss

If you notice your ponytail or braid thinning out or your part widening, it’s natural for you to get despondent and ask, ‘why is my hair thinning?’ Well, the chances are quite high that you may be suffering from female pattern hair loss. Like men, this also signifies a specific pattern of female hair loss induced by age, hormones and genes. It is a progressive condition which normally starts manifesting itself after the age of 40 and very rarely it reaches the stage of baldness like it reaches in males.

Female pattern hair loss can be diagnosed by an expert medical examination and probably some tests. The most common way of diagnosing it is by looking at its appearance along with the pattern of the hair loss and by testing and eliminating all other reasons as to what causes hair loss. Varied medical procedures like skin biopsy can also be employed for diagnosing all other medical conditions that can cause thin hair. Hair analysis and hormonal check also assist in diagnosing the disease.

It’s important to realize here that the hair loss induced here is permanent. The treatment focuses on how to stop hair loss. Opting for hair concealers and hair fibers from finallyhair.com can be ideal remedy to the situation.

Immediate Female Hair Loss Solution

Have you tried Finally Hair building fibers?  Many females have turned to Finally Hair to conceal and cover their hair loss as an instant female hair loss solution.

The way it works is simple.  You sprinkle on the hair loss concealer fibers and the thin spots disappear right before your eyes.  The hair fibers attach to your existing hair an scalp.  You will look younger and feel better about yourself immediately.  The result is amazing.

female hair loss before after


The best way to apply the fibers is to spray on a mist of the prep solution first.  The prep solution will prepare your scalp for the fibers and make them stand more upright so they look really nice and natural.

female hair loss prep solution

Next apply the fibers and lock them on with the fiber lock hair spray.

female hair loss

Now enjoy the results!

Hair Loss Fibers And Varied Types of Hair Loss You Should Know About

Hair Loss Fibers And Varied Types of Hair Loss You Should Know About

Hardly any of us realize that hair loss or alopecia is also of various types. This ignorance leads to failed hair loss treatment as one may not have opted for the right solution. So let’s first understand the various types of hair loss:-

Androgenic Alopecia

Commonly referred to as female or male pattern baldness, it is the most prevalent form of baldness and hair falling out in both sexes. This is caused by the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone) produced as a result of the male hormone, testosterone being converted by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. However the pattern of baldness in both sexes is different.

Alopecia Areata

An auto-immune hair loss condition, this is caused by the white blood cells of the body attacking the hair follicles. This culminates in hair loss for men and women.

Tellogen Effluvium

Male or female hair loss of this type is triggered by stress and depression and can be arrested by removing the disturbing elements.

Other types of hair loss are Alopecia Totalis, Alopecia Universalis, Ophiasis, Traction Alopecia, Chignon Alopecia, Trichotillomania etc. However, regardless of the type or cause, thinning hair treatments of both temporary and permanent variety is possible by taking the help of various esteemed hair therapy brands.

Another interesting approach is to use hair loss fibers to conceal hair loss and cover the thinning areas.  Hair loss are applied easily with an applicator that is much like a salt shaker.  The fibers come in 20 colors to match everyone’s hair.

Your first purchase should be the hair loss concealer in the bottle by Finally Hair.  This bottle is refillable and contains 28 grams (.99 ounces) of hair loss fibers.  Click here to order the hair loss fibers bottle.

hair loss fibers

After you purchase the hair loss fibers bottle, you can refill it.  The bottle opens so you can purchase the hair loss fibers in refill bags.  Here is how it opens:

hair loss fibers bottle open so you can refill it

The sifter comes off so you can purchase refill bags from there on.  Click here to see the refill bags.

hair loss fibers bottle and refill bags

After you shake the hair loss fibers onto your scalp use Finally Hair fiber lock hair spray to adhere the fibers.  Hair spray is required or the fibers will come off.  However with the hair loss hair spray the fibers will stay intact. Click here to see the hair spray.

The hair loss hair spray comes in two strengths.  Medium and Strong.  The medium is a styling spray.  The strong spray is what you use to lock the fibers in.  The fibers will stay in until you shampoo them out.

We also suggest that prior to applying the fibers you use our hair loss prep solution.  The solution tends to make the hair loss fibers stand upright and adds a nice touch.  It is all natural and good for your skin as well. Click here to see the hair loss prep solution.



Female hair loss – How to Prevent Hair Fall from Regular Washing and Styling?

Female hair loss – How to Prevent Hair Fall from Regular Washing and Styling?

Women, since the beginning of time have been seen as an embodiment of grace and beauty. It is said that the Gods themselves created or rather carved women out of the nature’s most eye-pleasing beauty and so every inch of a women’s body is as precious as diamond and deserves to be preserved forever. Though there cannot be any rationalizing about the parts of a women beauty, yet the beautiful, long, shiny and healthy hair is a women’s best ornament.

Present Scenario:

Coming back in today’s world, there are pollution with harsh climatic conditions and also the stressful lifestyle which people led and so there are women with their hair problems. Also due to this modern lifestyle women are completely into fashion and use hair products for styling their hair which are full of harmful chemicals.

The natural hair is way out of fashion now-a-days. Women run after fashion like a cat after mice. Such state of existence would require regular hair washing and styling which leads to hair fall.  Female hair loss is the enemy.

Some Simple Don’ts:

Hair fall is not something you can stop completely yet there are some really terrible mistakes which you constantly do with your hair. Avoiding these would surely decrease your hair fall which is your first step towards healthy hair. These mistakes are as follows:

  • Do not keep your hair loose for longer period of time and even if you do, go for hair masks and protein treatment on a regular basis.
  • Never apply hair colors at home.
  • Cutting your hair strands yourself is another big no.
  • Do not wash your hair daily. It strips off essential oils from your hair making it rough, dry and frizzy.
  • Even if you are in extreme rush, never apply heat styling rods or flat iron on wet hair.
  • Be careful while choosing your hair products. They should be alcohol and detergent free.
  • Always use combs with medium to wide tooth range and be patient while untangling your knots. Apply some hair serum and use finger-combing. It will save you from painful hair breakage and would lessen your tears too.
  • Do not use the towel too roughly in order to dry your hair. Technically, using the towel roughly would scrub off the leave-in conditioner as it create friction with hair cuticle very harshly and would ultimately damage your strands.
  • Never apply conditioner on your hair roots or scalp or you will end up with a film of dandruff on your scalp.
  • Never place the blow dryer directly or very close to your hair.
  • The obsession of having long hair keeps most women from trimming their hair regularly which is much needed for the healthy growth of the hair and eventually develop split ends.
  • Never use rubbery stuffs to tie up your hair as they cause breakage and also do not tie up your hair too tightly or in the same manner daily.
  • Lastly at nights, use silk pillow covers with a little bit of investment and avoid using cotton ones because cotton dries up your hair making it rough and less shiny.

It is true that everyone feels that they know their hair better than anyone else as their hairs are growing out of their own heads. But as it turns out they are the ones who play an important role in damaging them too.

If you are suffering from hair thinning there is one little secret that you should know about that can save the day.  Finally Hair thickening fibers.  With these fibers you can overcome the embarrassment of having thin hair when you don’t deserve it.

How do the fibers work?  You just shake them on your head.  They are like magic. They do their job and fill in the thinning spots on contact. Say goodbye to female hair loss.  You will no longer have thin hair.  You will have a thick, rich, filled out hair do.  Truly amazing.  The results will dazzle you.  To keep the fibers in place you simply spray them with Finally Hair fiber lock spray.  Now you can lay down on your pillow and have the confidence to know you look as beautiful as nature meant you to be.

female hair loss before after

This is the product:

female hair loss

female hair loss buy now

Why not give it a try?  Also be sure to grab the Fiber Lock Spray.

fiber lock spray



Hair Loss Doesn’t Have To Mire Your Confidence – Changing Things Up With Hair Fibers

Hair Loss Doesn’t Have To Mire Your Confidence – Changing Things Up With Hair Fibers

When you talk to people about hair loss, they immediately think of bald men. The truth of the matter is that men and women can face this issue overall. Anyone that is dealing with pattern baldness, thinning hair, and aging will tell you that it’s a tough thing to deal with. Some immediately go to over the counter options and end up realizing that most things do not help. That’s right, there are a lot of things that you can try, but it doesn’t immediately change things up. Instead of feeling down, and dealing with the issues associated with thinning hair or loss, consider hair loss concealer.

A New Hope

First and foremost, hair fibers are not the same as other options. Other hair treatments utilize gels, foam, and even colored sprays. You’re not going to be “painting” the issue, and you’re not going to have your fingers crossed in regards to getting hair to regrow. When you focus on concealers, you will be filling in the gaps that the follicles may leave. Then you will be binding it, so that you have the look and feel of real hair, not just something that masks it. You’ll be surprised by how well this works, because the elements fill in things in a way that others just can’t.

Women’s Issues

Women that have thinning hair can have a lack of confidence. A woman losing her hair, or having it thin out will no doubt go into panic mode. Men can weather the storm and shave their heads, but women don’t usually have that option. That’s where this option comes into play for them. Women that do not want to wear wigs, or may not have a great deal of loss will definitely want to look into how isolating hair fibers and hair loss concealer can help with filling in the gaps a bit easier. This is an easy way to move forward, and it absolutely gives a sense of confidence to women that have thinning follicles.

Testing The Waters

The best thing about all of this is simple, it works. You can absolutely use the fibers without worry, and with 20 colors that match all hair types. If you’re not sure about all of this, or you just don’t know what to do, consider testing it once. Test how hair loss concealer can work for you, and you’ll never look at thinning hair the same way again.

hair loss

hair loss fibers color chart

hair fibers