National Hair Loss Awareness Month- The American Academy of Dermatology – August as National Hair Loss Awareness Month

National Hair Loss Awareness Month- The American Academy of Dermatology – August as National Hair Loss Awareness Month

 What is the National Hair Loss Awareness Month?

Many countries across the world celebrate hair loss awareness. In some countries, a particular day of the year is considered as the hair loss awareness day. There are also many countries, like the US and the UK, where an entire month is considered to be the hair loss awareness month.

The American Academy of Dermatology has considered the month of August to be the National Hair Loss Awareness Month in the United States of America. While other countries celebrate different months of the year as their National Hair Loss Awareness Month, for the United States of America, it is the month of August.

For how long has the month of August been celebrated as the National Hair Loss Awareness Month of the year in the US?

This National Hair Loss Awareness Month has been celebrated in the United States of America for over a decade now. Since the year of 2001, this month has been celebrated in the United States of America. While in the other countries, different other days or months are celebrated as the same, for example, in the UK, May is celebrated as their National Hair Loss Awareness Month.

In the year of 2001, the American Academy of Dermatology or the AAD considered the month of August as the US’s National Hair Loss Awareness Month and since that year, this has been celebrated for millions of Americans in the US and as well as other parts of the world.

Why is the National Hair Loss Awareness Month celebrated?

Since the year of 2001, the AAD or the American Academy of Dermatology considered the month of August as the National Hair Loss Awareness Month in order to increase awareness among men and women about hair loss. Over 80 million American men and women suffer from hair loss problems. And around 50 million out of those 80 million are men. Even children suffer from hair loss problems.

While in some, the hair loss problem is not acute, in others, this problem is very acute. Heavy hair loss leads to alopecia. And increasing alopecia gradually leads to baldness. People at very young age suffer from hair loss and alopecia. Premature baldness is also becoming more common. Even teenagers and children are found to suffer from extensive hair loss problems. Thus in the National Hair Loss Awareness Month of August, awareness is spread across the country about hair loss. This awareness has helped people to understand the different causes of hair loss and also helped many people in working successfully in curing the problem.

hair loss awareness month

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